Our Founder

Glenn “Cuz” Sandifer

The man behind the ministry…

The story behind Unforsaken Ministry. Growing up in a pastor’s home I had a drug problem. I was drug to church every time the doors were open and sometimes when they weren’t open. I felt as though my life had been sacrificed to the church. Graduating from high school, I’d had enough church and Jesus for a lifetime. Moving to Troy, for college gave me the freedom I had been wanting. It wasn’t long before drinking, drugging and partying was the priority of my life. Where I felt abandoned, rejected and insignificant before moving to Troy, I found all three of those things in this new freedom. I believed this was the life I wanted and that I was in control. Little did I know I was giving up control and it would be many years before I regained control.

Board of Directors

  • Glenn Sandifer


  • Charlie Martin


  • David Hamilton


  • Tina Graham


  • Michael Wilson